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Place Booking for Little Tamar, November 2025

Property & Dates

Property: Little Tamar ( P621 )

Location: Lizard, Lizard Peninsula

Arrival: Fri 7th November 2025

Departure: Fri 14th November 2025

Costing & Payment Schedule

Property Rental: £395.00

Booking Fee: £25.00

Required Now

Holding Fee: £75.00. This is a preliminary payment counting towards your full deposit, the estimated remainder of which is estimated below. Please see our terms and conditions for more information.

Required Later

Estimated deposit remainder: £75.00 by 30/10/2024

Estimated Balance, by 08/09/2025: £270.00

Payment Methods

By Card, Online: We accept Visa, MasterCard and Maestro.

Bank Transfer


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